Ludum Dare 38 Results!

No One's Planet

Earlier this summer, as the Ludum Dare video game making competition rolled around, I opted for the teamwork challenge of making a video game in 72 hours with a group. The theme was “A Small World” and my friend Michael and I decided to collaborate to produce something different with a “wow” factor.

The judging period lasted about a month, and now that the results are out I’m incredibly happy to report that our game, No One’s Planet, ranked into the top 5% out of 1841 jam entries in the Humor and Innovation categories.  I’m especially happy because although this is my 8th competition in 6 years, my day job activities are for the most part unrelated to video games. The Ludum Dare is historically prolific, with game industry veterans participating alongside seasoned indie developers and anyone with enough chops to make a game in a weekend. Given that company, I’m delighted with our category ratings (top 5%!!!!) knowing we made folks blink a bit and smile.