Ludum Dare #31

Ludum Dare #31 starts in a few days.  I’m looking forward to participating — this will be my fourth entry in the 48-hour competition over the past couple years.

I plan to create an html5/css/js game with crafty.js, photoshop, pickle for the sprites, and garageband.  I may also use a sfx generator for beeps and boops if the game is in a retro-style. I usually make retro style games, but ultimately I wait for the competition to start before deciding on a specific type.

Before each competition I make a small goal, usually an improvement or feature I’d like to attempt. For this competition I want my game to be easily playable on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Since this requires some knowledge going in, my plan is to spend a few hours a day this week testing the waters by playing around with crafty.js and media queries.  Now that I have a mac I can easily test with an iOS simulator too.

I’m also going to try a new schedule. Typically, I design the game Friday, implement on Saturday, and then go into full-scale-panic-mode Sunday when the previous day’s work doesn’t mesh.  This time I’m going to attempt to both design and finish a fully working prototype on Friday and then use the rest of the time for polish.